PixateFreestyle Reference
This document is intended for iOS developers who wish to code directly to the Freestyle APIs.
Companion Documents
We recommend reading the Freestyle Getting Started document which covers product installation and sample applications. The Freestyle Styling Reference covers the the Freestyle CSS styling language and the properties available for styling on each iOS control.
Class References
- DDASLLogger
- DDAbstractDatabaseLogger
- DDAbstractLogger
- DDFileLogger
- DDLog
- DDLogFileFormatterDefault
- DDLogFileInfo
- DDLogFileManagerDefault
- DDLogMessage
- DDTTYLogger
- PXAdjacentSiblingCombinator
- PXAnimationInfo
- PXAnimationPropertyHandler
- PXAnimationStyler
- PXAttributeSelector
- PXAttributeSelectorOperator
- PXAttributedTextStyler
- PXBarMetricsAdjustmentStyler
- PXBarShadowStyler
- PXBorderStyler
- PXBoxModel
- PXBoxShadowStyler
- PXChildCombinator
- PXClassSelector
- PXColorStyler
- PXCombinatorBase
- PXDeclaration
- PXDeclarationContainer
- PXDescendantCombinator
- PXFileUtils
- PXFileWatcher
- PXFillStyler
- PXFontRegistry
- PXFontStyler
- PXIdSelector
- PXLayoutStyler
- PXMKAnnotationView
- PXMKMapView
- PXMPVolumeView
- PXMediaGroup
- PXNotPseudoClass
- PXOpacityStyler
- PXPaintStyler
- PXPseudoClassFunction
- PXPseudoClassPredicate
- PXPseudoClassSelector
- PXRuleSet
- PXShapeStyler
- PXSiblingCombinator
- PXSpecificity
- PXStyleUtils
- PXStylerBase
- PXStylerContext
- PXStylesheet
- PXStylesheetLexer
- PXStylesheetParser
- PXStylesheetTokenType
- PXTextContentStyler
- PXTextShadowStyler
- PXTransformStyler
- PXTransitionStyler
- PXTypeSelector
- PXUIActionSheet
- PXUIActivityIndicatorView
- PXUIButton
- PXUICollectionView
- PXUICollectionViewCell
- PXUIDatePicker
- PXUIImageView
- PXUILabel
- PXUINavigationBar
- PXUIPageControl
- PXUIPickerView
- PXUIProgressView
- PXUIRefreshControl
- PXUIScrollView
- PXUISearchBar
- PXUISegmentedControl
- PXUISlider
- PXUIStepper
- PXUISwitch
- PXUITabBar
- PXUITableView
- PXUITableViewCell
- PXUITableViewHeaderFooterView
- PXUITextField
- PXUITextView
- PXUIToolbar
- PXUIView
- PXUIWebView
- PXUIWindow
- PXValueParser
- PixateFreestyle
- PixateFreestyleConfiguration
Protocol References
- DDLogFileManager
- DDLogFormatter
- DDLogger
- DDRegisteredDynamicLogging
- PXCombinator
- PXSelector
- PXStyleable
- PXStyler
- PXStylesheetLexerDelegate