Inherits from NSObject
Declared in PXStylesheetLexer.h


PXStylesheetLexer is responsible for converting an NSString into a stream of PXLexemes. Eacn PXLexeme represents an instance of a CSS token.


  •   source

    The source string being tokenized by this lexer. Note that setting this value resets the lexer state

  •   delegate

    A delegate to call when various events occur within the lexer

  • – initWithString:

    Initializer a new instance with the specified source value

  • – nextLexeme

    Return the next lexeme in the source string from where the last lex ended. This will return nil once the source string has been completed consumed.

  • – pushLexeme:

    Push the specified lexeme onto internal stack. Lexemes will first be removed from this stack when calling nextLexeme. Once the stack has been depleted, lexing continues from the last successful scan not involving the lexeme stack.

  • – increaseNesting

    This lexer returns different lexemes for the same source depending on if the lexer is inside or outside of a delcaration body. This method allows code to indicate that lexing should proceed as if the lexer is inside a block. This is typically used when processing styles that are associated directly with a styleable object as opposed to coming from a stylesheet.

  • – decreaseNesting

    This is the complementary method to increaseNesting. This is used to indicate that a block has been completely lexed.

  • – pushSource:

    Save the current context of the lexer, re-initialize the lexer, and begin lexing the specified source. This is useful for handling “import” statements, where another file needs to be processed inline with the current file being processed



A delegate to call when various events occur within the lexer

@property (nonatomic, strong) id<PXStylesheetLexerDelegate> delegate


A delegate to call when various events occur within the lexer

Declared In



The source string being tokenized by this lexer. Note that setting this value resets the lexer state

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *source


The source string being tokenized by this lexer. Note that setting this value resets the lexer state

Declared In


Instance Methods


This is the complementary method to increaseNesting. This is used to indicate that a block has been completely lexed.

- (void)decreaseNesting


This is the complementary method to increaseNesting. This is used to indicate that a block has been completely lexed.

Declared In



This lexer returns different lexemes for the same source depending on if the lexer is inside or outside of a delcaration body. This method allows code to indicate that lexing should proceed as if the lexer is inside a block. This is typically used when processing styles that are associated directly with a styleable object as opposed to coming from a stylesheet.

- (void)increaseNesting


This lexer returns different lexemes for the same source depending on if the lexer is inside or outside of a delcaration body. This method allows code to indicate that lexing should proceed as if the lexer is inside a block. This is typically used when processing styles that are associated directly with a styleable object as opposed to coming from a stylesheet.

Declared In



Initializer a new instance with the specified source value

- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)source



The source string to lex


Initializer a new instance with the specified source value

Declared In



Return the next lexeme in the source string from where the last lex ended. This will return nil once the source string has been completed consumed.

- (PXStylesheetLexeme *)nextLexeme


Return the next lexeme in the source string from where the last lex ended. This will return nil once the source string has been completed consumed.

Declared In



Push the specified lexeme onto internal stack. Lexemes will first be removed from this stack when calling nextLexeme. Once the stack has been depleted, lexing continues from the last successful scan not involving the lexeme stack.

- (void)pushLexeme:(PXStylesheetLexeme *)lexeme



The lexeme to push on to the stack


Push the specified lexeme onto internal stack. Lexemes will first be removed from this stack when calling nextLexeme. Once the stack has been depleted, lexing continues from the last successful scan not involving the lexeme stack.

Declared In



Save the current context of the lexer, re-initialize the lexer, and begin lexing the specified source. This is useful for handling “import” statements, where another file needs to be processed inline with the current file being processed

- (void)pushSource:(NSString *)source



The new source


Save the current context of the lexer, re-initialize the lexer, and begin lexing the specified source. This is useful for handling “import” statements, where another file needs to be processed inline with the current file being processed

Declared In
