Native Android Controls

This section documents all of the controls that can be styled with Freestyle.

Each page shows all of the CSS information about a control: the selectors that reference it, the properties it supports, its children, and its pseudo-classes.

Since many UIKit controls contain important subviews, this guide lists each element's child elements, along with their properties. Pay close attention to these, as many common styling changes actually occur on the children of controls. For example, UISlider is composed of a min-track, a max-track, and a thumb. Freestyle exposes these as children of the parent control. Styling these will change the appearance of the slider.

Others controls have different visual states. For example, a UIButton has a normal and highlighted state, as well as others. Each state allows for differing styles which take effect when the control is in that particular state. Freestyle allows you to use pseudo-classes to indicate to which state the given rule set applies.

Values are referenced by type or string values. Alternate selections for a single value type are separated by commas. Types appear as links to the corresponding information in the Values section. String values are the literal text as they appear in this document.